image source: google image

The World wide web is an arrangement of interlinked, hypertext archives gets to through the web. With an internet browser, client sees website pages that may contain content, pictures, recordings, and other sight and sound and explores between them utilizing hyperlinks. The World Wide Web was made in 1989 by Sir Tim Berner's Lee and Robert Cailliaunet fill in as an entrance for access to parts of an extranet. 

The internet has quickened the development of web, by making it simple to utilize and giving graphical interface. For exploring WWW, the clients "surfs" the pages utilizing hyperlinks. It utilizes HTTP(Hyper Text Transmission Protocol) for information exchange and correspondence. 

Highlights OF WWW: 

  1. WWW is the most well known administrations gave through the web. 
  2.  It's customer part is internet browser. 
  3. .It's server part is web server. 
  4.  It's language is HTML (SGML). 
  5.  It's convention suite is TCP/IP (incorporate HTTP). 

Uses OF WWW:  

  1.  It gives E-mail administrations. 
  2. It gives the talking offices. 
  3. It gives the E-Commerce and other E-administrations. 
  4. It gives newsgroups administrations. 
  5. It gives the instructive administrations like on-line educating and so on. 
  6. It gives diversion administrations like playing videogame, tuning in to a music CD, coordinating a motion picture and so on. 


image source: google image

Email represents electronic mail; any framework for sending and accepting messages over a system. Email started in the mid 1970s with ARPANET and is presently the essential technique for business correspondences today. 

Numerous sellers and associations have created electronic informing measures and arrangements, including the IBM centralized server have based PROFS and SNADS informing frameworks, Microsoft Mail, Lotus cc; Mail, and Novell GroupWise. The two most prevalent informing designs utilized the present are the Internet Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and X.400 mail frameworks. 

X.400 is a mainstream informing design that is utilized all through quite a bit of Europe, yet SMTP mail, which was created in the United States as a major aspect of the ARPANET venture, appreciates overall notoriety and acknowledgment. 


Send a message that we have composed our self. 

Read any message that has been sent to us. 

Reply to any message that has been sent to us. 

Forward a mail message to an outsider. 

Save or erase mail message sent to us. 

Scan the Subject : and From : fields for all our new mail. 

The capacity to label new mail messages for simple distinguishing proof. 

The capacity to sort mail and spare it in various areas. 

Provides address monikers or epithets. 

A answer choice that enables us to alter the first message. 

A adaptable mail channel that sorts mail before we see it. 

Provides programmed signature record consideration. 


image source: google image

Making/Sending an E-mail Message 

We should fill different openings as demonstrated as follows: 

To – Enter the email address of the [person(s) to whom the message is sent. 

Cc – Enter the email address of the persons(s) to whom the duplicate of the message is sent. 

Subject – Enter a short portrayal/title of the message. 

Body-enter the genuine message here. Some mail programs have the office of sending blind duplicates. 

Address Book-a location book is where we can store the data about the general population to whom we compose. 

Mark Are we attempted of composing in our name and address toward the finish of 

each message that we send? 

Record Attachment Facility-One noteworthy disadvantage of email is that we can't send designed content. For-instance, on the off chance that we need to send a word archive, which contains pictures, bulleted records, and so on. 

Sending Priority-We can set need to a mail message that we are sending. The standard qualities are 'Low', 'Ordinary', and 'High'. 

Tweaking Our Mail Program-We can choose the manner by which we need our mail to be sent. we can choose whether to send the mail Text position or in HTML group. 

Answering and Forwarding E-mail Messages-Similar to regular mail, we can send and get electronic sends as well. Email programs give us a lot more alternatives. We can answer to a messages by squeezing a catch.

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