image source: google image


A website is a collection of Web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on one or several Web server(s), usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a LAN.
The definition of web page is a document, typically written in HTML, which is almost always accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfers information from the Web server to client.
         The three primary things to make a website are your domain name, web host and a topic.  So, you know you want to create a website, but first you need to consider what the website will be about.  Knowing what the website is about will help determine your domain name. 
Most domain names are 1 to 3 words that describe what the website is about.  The domain name is the URL of the website, such as www.whatisawebsite.com. What is a Website is the website I have created for this project. Figure 1-3 plots the continuum from a simple static document-oriented site (often called a "brochure ware" site) to full-blown software applications. This abstract grouping suggests that there is a transition from more document- or print-oriented Web sites to more interactive programmatic Web sites. This is indeed true; the intersection between the two philosophical camps is a source for much of the contention—and innovation—in the Web design community.

image source: google image
image source: google image

Another way we might group sites is within the following broad categories:

Informational sites: These sites provide information about a particular subject or organization (the "brochure ware" sites). These are the most common Web sites on the Internet and often take on aspects of the other site categories over time.

Transactional sites: This type of site can be used to conduct some transaction or task. E-commerce sites fall into this category.

Community sites: These provide information or transaction-related          facilities, but focus on the interaction between the visitors of the site.  Community-based sites tend to focus on a particular topic or type of person and encourage interaction between likeminded individuals.  

Entertainment sites: These sites are for game playing or some form of amusing interaction, which may include transactional, community, and informational elements.

Other sites: Included here are artistic or experimental sites, personal Web spaces such as Web logs (also called blogs), and sites that may not follow common Web conventions or have a well-defined economic purpose.

Government: This type of site can be used to conduct some transaction or task. E-commerce sites fall into this category.


             image source: google image

For retrieving the data from the internet, users require an interface, which links the computer and the human being, where user can give his request and interact with other computers. For this purpose we use a special software which is popularly known as Browser, which acts as an interface for the internet, the world wide web. These browsers are known as Web Browsers or Internet Browsers or web clients. The browser on the behalf of the user, contacts a web server and requests for the desired information, once it receives the information it displays it on the screen. This process of displaying information is known as rendering.-

Most of the browsers support, various media, normal text, hyper text, graphics, images, motion pictures, hypermedia etc. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape’s Navigator etc. are popular Browsers available.


image source: google image


That program which is search information from web i.e. called as search engine.

There are  two types of search engine :
1) Catalog Search Engine.
2) Search internet on their web pages by index.
1) This first search engine maintains internet websites  on catalog form in a database .like as a any information search in encyclopedia. Ex- yahoo search engine , search catalog and display any topic like computer and internet.
2) in second search engine websites and their pages index format in a database format. This search engine through user included keyword search and information also search and result also display which is related to the information.

How the search engine works:

1)Search engine uses spider or web crawler programs. which is publish any web pages or documents catch and find out any web addresses by web crawler.
2) web addresses catch by crawler then web addresses send to the  index software. this indexing software and their web addresses information is to be stored in database. So keywords basis database information fastly retrieve.
3) User match their keywords  and find out document information.


1)   YAHOO
7)   LYCOS


           image source: google image

Meaning of Portal :- 

Entrance is a genuinely new term, by and large synonymous with Gateway for an internet website that is for proposes to be a noteworthy beginning webpage for clients when they get associated with the web or that clients will in general visit as a stay website. There are general entryways and particular gateways. Some real broad entryways are: 

  1. YAHOO 
  2. EXCITE 
  4. LUCOS 
  5. CNET 

Various huge, quicker stacking page that guests will discover simple to utilize and to get to suppliers offer gateways to the web for their very own clients. Most entries have received the YAHOO style of substance classifications with a content serious come back to. 

The Evolution of Portals: 

Image source : google image

At first, the term entrance was utilized to allude to surely understood Internet inquiry and route destinations that gave a beginning stage to web buyers to investigate and get to data on the World Wide Web. 

The first entrances were web indexes. The underlying incentive was to offer a full content record of report content and an opportunity to exploit the hyperlinking abilities incorporated with the web conventions. 

Web route destinations, for example, Yahoo!, Excite, Infoseek, AOL, MSN, Netscape Netcenter and Lycos, spoke to the following period of entrance improvement. The expression "Web entryway" (or "online interface") started to be utilized to portray these uber locales in light of the fact that numerous clients utilized them as a "beginning stage" for their web surfing. The expression "web index" had turned out to be insufficient to portray the broadness of the contributions, despite the fact that inquiry and route are as yet crucial to the vast majority's online experience. Contrasted with the first Internet web crawlers, Internet entries offer an increasingly organized, safe interface. Perusing a composed progressive system of classes created by individuals (as opposed to PCs) who scoured the Internet for important and valuable Websites is more successful than issuing a catchphrase seek against the whole Web. 

While these open Internet gateways keep on prospering, the market for entrance innovation is progressively centered around the better conveyance of corporate data. Entrance innovation has altogether developed since the open hunt destinations were first manufactured, and has been utilized to construct an assorted scope of entry types, including specific entries, venture gateways, workspace entryways, marketspace entryways, information gateways and so forth. 

Meaning of Today's Portals: 

Customarily, an entry signifies an entryway, an entryway, or passage. With regards to the World Wide Web, it is the following consistent advance in the development to a computerized culture. Website pages are not totally self-referential any longer, yet take into consideration personalization, work process, notice, learning the board and groupware, foundation usefulness, and mix of data and applications. The possibility of an entryway is to gather data from various sources and make a solitary purpose of access to data - a library of arranged and customized content. It is very much the possibility of a customized channel into the web. 

Entries are regularly the principal page the internet browser loads when clients get associated with the Web or that clients will in general visit as a stay webpage. They offer clients a surplus estimation of administration dependent on the highlights of exemplary web crawlers: a very much prepared attendant who realizes where to pursuit and locate; a well-varying paper stand that keeps the most recent market data about the surfer's close to home stocks prepared; free correspondences conceivable outcomes like email or exchange sheets. Accordingly, the conventional virtual roadhouses - the web crawlers become feel-great passage lobbies, a portals to the web, simple, one-stop embarkation focuses for the day by day Web-surfing sessions. The expectation behind the possibility of an entryway: surfer begin their voyage into the web in a cutting edge entrance corridor, and ideally discover their way back to the beginning stage without real trouble. 

  • Entry Predicates at a glanceWhat a gateway does: 

  • Empowers all inclusive login 

  • Handles both organized and unstructured information 

  • Encourages multi-channel consistency 

  • Encourages informing and notice 

Mechanized tuning: unavoidable substance can be tuned dependent on personalization, area, program, and so on. 

Combination to different frameworks. 

Run of the mill administrations offered by gateway destinations are: 

  1. An index of sites 
  2. An office to look for different locales 
  3. another site 
  4. Weather data 
  5. E-Mail 
  6. Stock statements 
  7. Phone and guide data… … . And that's only the tip of the iceberg. 

Energize is among the principal entrances to offer clients the capacity to make a site that is customized for people interests.


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